We're having a real Canadian winter the likes of which we haven't seen since the early '80s. But what do you do when you're stuck inside for days on end? I have no practice at this. But when I looked out the back window today I was thankful to live in a place where there are seasons. I've been struggling with a painting that I started well over a month ago and then abandoned to tackle the seasonal ho-ho-ho. It's hard getting back into the rhythm and my brain hurts after two days of wrestling with an uncooperative muse. So ... what should I blog about? Well, art of course, silly, but not mine; I can't stand to look at it when it's not going well. So, since I'm here, how about the original art we have hanging in this house that has nothing at all to do with me? I have a thing for primitive art and the work of our own Northwest Coast First Nations People (whew -- did I manage to get the terminology politically correct?) is among my favourite. (Actually, calling it 'primitive' is probably insulting enough.) But my mother was born and raised in Mexico and any Mexican folk art, from Pre-Columbian to present day, also turns my crank. (I love African and Australian aboriginal art as well -- anyone care to make a tax-free donation to my collection?) I permanently borrowed these parchment paintings from my parents' house when I left home. These ones came from my grandparents' house, the ones who lived in Mexico and Guatemala. They aren't folk art but are sepia drawings of the pyramids at Tikal.
But we do have something closer to home. In my studio, above my desk hangs a Robert Genn landscape, a gift to me by the artist for doing a bunch of work for him a few years ago. It's there for inspiration.
Best of all are my own investments: small paintings done by Roland J. Ford and Angela Rockett hanging in my bedroom. I have every intention of making it big by selling paintings for great wads o' cash one day just so I can buy me some more art. Any philanthropists who'd rather just donate valuable and beautiful pieces directly please apply here.