once more for the gulf

Oceans Seven
I realized that I had one unsold drawing left from the Oceans Ten series at about the same time I discovered this Etsy shop, set up to "help the gulf coast recover from the massive BP oil spill." So far $2500 has been raised for Oxfam America and $2000 has gone to the National Wildlife Federation ... and there are still over 400 items in the shop and more being added daily. It's almost like this piece, one of my favourites from the series, was deliberately left behind just for this purpose. If you're interested, it is available on this page, or check out the main site and all the other listings.
ooohoo love it :) It does seem made for the cause, I bet it will get picked up very quickly ;)
Thanks, Tracey. It's a little pricier than most items (why I don't do Etsy any more) but thought I'd give it a shot.
talk about perfect ;)
Yet another wonderful work of art Andrea, and representing a very worthy cause. Karma, I tell you.
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