Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I have been working myself into a knot over painting these glass tree ornaments to donate to a fundraiser. After a frustrating day yesterday I managed to drop and smash the only one that was actually holiday-themed. It sucked, though, and breaking it didn't improve it any, so I did a second dragonfly ornament today (using Christmas colours at least). It's raining out; can you tell?
Next project: my website. It's in seriously overdue need of an overhaul and I have ideas (gasp). I suspect it'll take me about a week to get it where I want it. Meantime, check out the great, protective packaging my 2010 Celtic Tree Calendar came in. Coco liked it, too. The actual calendar is really pretty great, so if I can entice you to do a little Christmas shopping while being inspired by these tree ornaments then please do. :)
And if that gets you thinking about the upcoming holiday season, then check this out, too. I don't advertise my little Cafepress shop so I only make enough money to cash in on the occasional t-shirt, but about once a year I update the products and have always been satisfied with the quality.
That's the end of this "public service announcement". It's earned me enough guilt to keep me going for about six months now. I can't imagine a life where I'd have to actually sell stuff and not starve. (On that note, I should probably re-title this post "No Balls".)