Wednesday, September 10, 2008

road trip

I've always been lousy at editing myself (remember those evil novel summaries we had to do at school?), and the idea of trying to edit our 10-day trip across British Columbia and into Alberta has been daunting, to say the least, especially the photo aspect. It was hard enough editing down to only 107 photos for my Flickr photo set, so here goes nothing.

We headed out on a beautiful day and shared our lunch with the marmots, grey jays and Clark's nutcrackers in Manning Park.

That night we stopped at Christina Lake, where we borrowed a friend's cabin and kayaked, swam and just chilled for two nights.

On our way through the Kootenays to the Columbia Valley we passed through Rossland, a beautiful,

historic gold rush town, only five minutes' drive from Red Mountain (I skied every weekend when I lived there), and the location of my first teaching job. I would still love to live there.

The next three nights we spent at Radium Hot Springs, near Invermere, where the gallery show/demo took place. We saw some interesting things there including a car that swims, deer hanging out in the road and a mountain or two.

Off to Calgary through spectacular Kootenay National Park to spend three nights at the home of my friend, Michelle. The hottest day of our trip we spent exploring part of south-central Alberta, as Greg's great-grandfather, James Wishart, settled the Rosebud Valley. We found the original restored log cabin, their grave in Gleichen, and visited Rosebud itself, a charming village in a beautiful setting. What was most interesting to me was the board illustrating the original Rosebud train station (which no longer exists) as my great-grandfather, Winnipeg architect Ralph Pratt, designed it. Talk about an interesting intersection between our two families.

We also visited the famous Royal Tyrrell Museum of palaeontology in Drumheller, something we've wanted to do for years and year. It actually reached 40C in the Badlands that day!

The next day
Adam and I went with Michelle to visit her horse, Champagne, on a hobby farm near High River. Check out these characters! Then there was Daisy, the world's tiniest and cutest pony, and my extra-long legs. They MADE me ride her! Every time I tried to put my weight down she tried to bite my knee. We laughed like idiots for ages.

Home again through the Rockies along Highway 1, we stopped at Sicamous for a night. In Golden we stopped at a fascinating place, Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre, and discovered how really backward British Columbia is in its wildlife stewardship, particularly of bears and wolves.

Ten days and 3000 km later I can confidently say that it was a fantastic experience.

As for editing, this is the best I could do. There's so much more here.


Blogger Mim said...

What great memories. If you are anything like me, you are sensing the ending of your bos childhood, what a special gift to give them!

10/9/08 12:24 p.m.  
Blogger Heather Plett said...

Well you did better than me! I have over 300 pics, and that's the edited version!

Looks great!

10/9/08 3:54 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that sounds, and looks, like a fabulous trip. I want one of those little llama things.

10/9/08 6:18 p.m.  
Blogger WithinWithout said...

Nay, Nay...I mean, NEIGH!!! Of course I'm talking about the pic of you and Daisy...

Galloping Gulps...

Ride 'em horsie...

Glad you and the clan had a great trip.

10/9/08 6:23 p.m.  
Blogger dinahmow said...

Need to learn more about your wolves. Do you mean that you still have nasty people who shoot them? Or is that just across your NW border?
I contributed to a rehab fund in USA years ago and thought baiting/shooting had been banned.

10/9/08 8:09 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really really want to travel through Canada!! Your pics almost make me regret our decision ages ago not to continue with our emigration plans.
Btw the first one: those rocky mountains look stitched!! Actually the whole photograph look like its been embroidered. So does the lama. Thanks for the (unintentional) inspiration. As you know Im in stitching mode.
I'm searching for those mags you told me about on my blog. Thanks!

10/9/08 11:23 p.m.  
Blogger Caroline said...

You've done a brilliant job writing your "what I did on my summer holidays" essay - 5 gold stars!

11/9/08 4:03 a.m.  
Blogger Paula In Pinetop said...

Sure looks like fun.

11/9/08 6:58 a.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

Michelle: I know! It's over too fast.

Heather: I bet you wrote really long summaries at school, too. :)

Citizen: Doesn't that guy in the front look like he's right out of Dr Seuss?

WW: It was a high point -- no doubt!

Dinah: It's not quite that bad, mostly. Check out the link to the website.

Laura: Those hills in the first photo are in the semi-desert Thompson River Valley and they do look like embroidery! Western Canada has this constantly changing landscape and climate. I think you'd love it just for the novelty factor.

Caroline: Thanks, miss. Do I still have to clean the boards?

Paula: It definitely was.

11/9/08 11:02 a.m.  
Blogger Ponita in Real Life said...

Andrea, what a great trip! It has been a number of years since I undertook a road trip of those proportions but they are just grand, are they not!

So much to see and do in this country and so many just never make the effort to explore. I'm so glad you and your family had such a fabulous excursion! Great photos, too.


11/9/08 11:49 a.m.  
Blogger Romeo Morningwood said...

Our 3,000km trip through BC & Albertie was awesome too...that little Daisy was plucky eh? That's a great shot.
Did any of those Vicuna-Llama-Alpaca? thingamabobs try to hork at you? They look ridiculous.

Wolves are so beautiful..I'm glad that Gov. Sarah Palin didn't fly over and shoot them from a helicopter..can't believe that she fought to allow that to continue in Alaska.

Did you LOVE the Tyrell as much as I did..what a cool location eh? Did you walk through the Hudus? See any Rattlers?

We saw two Coyotes driving back to the Trans Can and when we stopped to take a picture POOF they were gone. A Hunting Guide told me a little secret about Huntin' Coyotes, apparently they usually hop up and turn around just before they make it to the Tree seasoned hunters just wait for that one last look.

I reckon them varmits in Drumheller figured that out because these guys were ghosts.

13/9/08 4:12 p.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

Pam: We originally planned a trip as far as Wiunnipeg but the price of gas more than the time it would take is what got us in the end. Next time...?

Donnnn: Creatures from Dr Seuss would never HORK .... would they? :) And I hadn't heard that about the good governor. More ways to hate her (as if being Republican wasn't plenty enough). As for Drumheller, we tried our best to remain in air conditioned conditions by the time we got there. It was 40C that day! Too toasty for my west coast candy ass. Loved the museum, though. My only regret was that we didn't take the boys there when they were younger (and, being a geek mom, I could still name virtually all the dinosaur species). We did see a coyote that day, though, trotting purposefully by the side of the road with something fluffy and black in its mouth. Probably someone's precious pet.

"Ornithomimus, ornithomimus, It's an ostrich dinosaur ... ornithomimus, ornithomimus, that's what its long legs were for..." (from some kids' music tape)

13/9/08 5:21 p.m.  
Blogger Hayden said...

Wonderful trip - wonderful photos. I'm armchair vacationing right now, and this was a break I needed!

15/9/08 7:58 a.m.  

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