Wednesday, May 06, 2009

home movies

In four years of blogging I've never been a frequent poster, but I rarely take long breaks. When I'm working in the studio the regular access to my laptop, availability of images for posting and time for reflection have tended to step up the frequency of posts. I have the mind space to compose in my head. Since the family got heavily involved in our junior Australian Football league a few years back, though, March through June have been frantically busy periods. Greg coaches and manages the league's umpires which takes about 10 hours of work a week (for both), Carl both plays and umps and Adam plays. I am the league's registrar plus I have to play the role of keeping everyone here fed and chauffered for games/practices/clinics, etc. Add to that this year's big purge/reorg, a dog to train and take to class, kids in plays and concerts, a needy father in a nursing home across the city, plus extra professional activities (jurying the big local annual exhibition and hanging a small solo show of my own, plus endless hassles getting the work framed/shipped to the mini solo show I'm having in the Rockies) has meant that painting has taken a back seat and blogging is almost non-existent, including visiting my favourite blogs. So far I'm staying on track without imploding, and regular five-minute visits to Facebook have kept me from complete pc withdrawal.

There. Big moan over. Actually, I'm really enjoying the pace of life these days, though I'm also glad that the end of June means I get a break and can start painting again. If I haven't forgotten how, that is.

So, without any insight on any matters creative these days, I give you photos. Home movies as it were.

Here's a glimpse of a section of the small solo show I'm having at Gallery North here in North Delta. Yes, it's in display cases. Yes, a rec centre probably isn't a destination for art enthusiasts. Nemmer mine; it's something for the CV. When Ellen next visits I'll have to get some photos of the show at the Firehall Centre for the Arts that I juried. This painting (not quite finished here) won the big award of the night.

The focus has been on the home front anyway ... as in 'grown up' furniture! After an endless succession of hand- me-downs we bought two new sofas on sale at IKEA (we cheapskates die hard).

We tossed the pathetic excuse we had for a futon (who keeps a futon for 16 years anyway?), moved the cat-thrashed leather sofa into our family room and got an awesome faux Persian rug to replace the old one. Why awesome? It hides EVERYTHING -- especially the armies of black dog hair that roam the house, looking for victims.

But the best part of the spring cleaning (for me) has been the re-organization of my basement studio. Check out the handsome rug ornament with his crushed but beloved empty 4L milk jug.

Finally, knowing that my enthusiastic black shadow with the drool isssues will be leaving soon, I have been looking to adopt a rescue dog. I won't say anything yet as she's still a few weeks away, but check out the wild-looking beast below. By the way, Laure Ferlita over at Painted Thoughts took a shine to this photo of Jesse and created a stunning watercolour portrait of him. Check it out here and look back at the work-in-progress in previous posts. It's fascinating to watch her process.

Now, I have a spreadsheet to update and a child or two to drive to footy practice. Back when I catch my breath!


Blogger Ellen said...

Busy girl, (at least you have an excuse). The shows (Effusion and Rec centre) look great! And I'll be sure not to drool tea all over your new sofa when I come by.

6/5/09 10:40 p.m.  
Blogger peyton said...

I remember the phrase "blogging without obligation" ... important to remember. I think the paintings in a display case are BRILLIANT! What a great idea. Your home looks lovely and I'm soooooooo envious of your studio!

7/5/09 12:50 a.m.  
Blogger Laure Ferlita said...

Wow, I need to catch my breathe just reading all of this! Amazing how much you've accomplished. Blogging and art seem to be part of an ebb and flow within life driven by the current of events. I think you're doing a fabulous job!

Congrats on the shows, the grown-up furniture and the re-org! And thanks for the mention as well!

7/5/09 4:10 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I;ve come to the opinion that people should post as they see fit. Period.

Love the light and the wood floors in the living room. And the rug ornament, of course.

7/5/09 5:10 a.m.  
Blogger Melody said...

Whew! I feel exhausted just reading that. Good luck on the new shows. Looks great. Makes me wish I was having tea with you and Ellen but after seeing how great everything looks at your house I feel the need to reorganize....well, maybe tomorrow.

7/5/09 6:24 a.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

Well, I guess that's it! Anybody who has the patience to read such a lengthy post has done so and commented! (I really need to post more often...)

Ellen: We have bibs...

Peter: I've never felt too much obligation unless I've let it go for too long.

Laure: I'm in that groove where I feel like I'm wasting time if I'm not accomplishing soemthing every minute. It'll pass soon enough. It always does!

Citizen: Mostly I only blog as I see fit, but sometimes, if it's been too long, then I feel this vague but nagging sense of guilt.

Melody: Come on over and we'll talk you out of it! :)

7/5/09 3:37 p.m.  
Blogger dinahmow said...

Coco's coming????

And here I thought I was in a hectic stretch. Don't know how you do all this. Usually, my house is the first to suffer!

7/5/09 6:11 p.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

Dinah: In our case, thre house was/is part of the activity! But only the inside. The outside is a disaster so far.

8/5/09 8:30 a.m.  
Blogger Caroline said...

So what you are really saying is that your facebook addiction has been outweighing your blog addiction of late...


8/5/09 11:08 a.m.  
Blogger Heather Plett said...

Ha - I have a sixteen year old futon! And it's not going anywhere yet.

Nice work on the house!

8/5/09 12:32 p.m.  
Blogger Mim said...

First of all, I don't know what I envy more, the studio (clean studio at that ) or the handsom fella! I think the handsome fella wins hands down! Because with the studio comes the responsibility to paint!

8/5/09 1:19 p.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

Caroline: You horrible woman. You know me so well! :)

Heather: A woamn after my own heart. Has it been sat on, jumped on, spilled on and abused daily as the main sofa for 16 years, too? Ours was more than juts an eyesore and well beyond repair after sucg a beating. It was awesome to lie on when I was pregant with #2 14 years ago though!

Michelle: I know! I'm afraid to mess it up!

8/5/09 10:20 p.m.  
Blogger tlchang said...

I envy your studio space! I am so drowning in my tiny bedroom-studio. Have visions of expanding the house over and behind the studio and masterbedroom and making it *all mine*!... dreams...

Good luck with the doggie transitions. You are a braver woman than I.

16/5/09 7:56 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great studio space Andrea! Has a nice relaxing feel going on.

17/6/09 6:39 a.m.  

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