Sunday, April 19, 2009

spring in the 'burbs

I have been neglecting my blog lately. Actually, It's not that I don't have lots to say, it's just that spring is an insanely busy time of year for us and Facebook has been giving me the kind of quick-fix instant gratification that I need. Yes, FB's a cheap whore, while my faithful, long-suffering blog sits and waits. But if Facebook is a call girl, then Twitter is a street hooker and I won't go there. I know my limits.

Here are a few recent photos to give the illusion that I just posted something of substance. Tomorrow I ship these drawings (there will be nine in total once the gallery finishes updating the page) for this exhibition.

Next move: spring cleaning. A couple of days of that and I'll be back blogging in no time, so don't give up on me yet!


Blogger Laure Ferlita said...

What are the floating balls in the second photo? They look like Chihuly glass orbs!

19/4/09 4:55 p.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

You're fast, Laure! They're in the industrial part of the river and they're pretty rusty. Maybe someone who has a clue cna tell us?

The maple buds are right outside my bedroom window and once they get going they change and grow *really* fast.

19/4/09 4:59 p.m.  
Blogger Kelly said...

Laure beat me to the question...what on earth are those balls? At first I thought they were organic, like huge galls. Then I thought man-made.

Congratulations on being the festival artist! Way to go. I have in my life travelled great distances to attend such festivals and bird my heart out for four days straight.

19/4/09 5:10 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I wondered about the flaoting ball things and the buds, too. Looks like I wasn't alone!

19/4/09 5:27 p.m.  
Blogger Angela Wales Rockett said...

Ah, yes, spring cleaning. Now that the sun is actually shining into the house, I'm noticing a lot of dust and dirt that the clouds had let me ignore.

Cool photos, and congrats on the bird festival. I like your description of FB and Twitter too.

20/4/09 9:03 a.m.  
Blogger zooms said...

There is a 'refreshing' award for you over at my blog, and no I can't do twitter either. x

20/4/09 12:41 p.m.  
Blogger peyton said...

LOL ... i just signed on to Fakebook too! Fake friends will do for me!

20/4/09 1:11 p.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

Kiki: How I'd love to attend the festival myself. Someday!

Citizen: Me, too! (The balls, I mean.) I don't know who to ask, though!

Angela: I think I should reward myself with a trip south and a new dog. What do you think? :)

Zooms: It's been too long -- and thank you.

Peter: Fakebook! Ha! I'm going to borrow that!

20/4/09 7:42 p.m.  
Blogger Melody said...


21/4/09 7:46 a.m.  
Blogger donna said...

Lol. I prefer a good, long, romantic encounter, myself. ;^)

21/4/09 10:57 a.m.  
Blogger donna said...

As to the balls, the first piuc looks like netting; perhaps the balls are fishing net floats??

21/4/09 10:58 a.m.  
Blogger Ian Lidster said...

Spring has indeed sprung and we are honor bound to embrace every second of it since we've already lost at least a month of it.

21/4/09 4:42 p.m.  
Blogger dinahmow said...

A starling, darling? Not very clue-y on your birds, but I can say "floats" with some confidence. Mind you, some Chihuly on the Fraser would be brilliant. Talk to the Council. Today!

And, yeah, I'm guilty of blog neglect. Factor in some modem muck-up and power going off for tree trimming...

21/4/09 6:12 p.m.  
Blogger San said...

Thank you for the luminous photos.

I'm with you on Twitter. I just don't get it. Feels fragmented.

21/4/09 8:01 p.m.  
Blogger Travveller said...

I love the pic of the glass floats! They so look like some sort of fantasy or alien amphibian eggs.

Best of luck with the exhibition! I hope all your drawings sell.

23/4/09 8:19 p.m.  
Blogger Romeo Morningwood said...

There is a chance of snow tonight here in WhatEVERpeg! Spring is having a hard time gettin' goin'.

I have a plan for my FB..I'm using it to research my roots. I figure that I can either do something constructive with it or it will just use me.

Now Twitter is weird. It is not microblogging..but it has an upscale clientele list of non-commentors. You can hitch y'er horse to celebs, most of whom are really boring..we keep forgetting that writers write all of their lines but we expect them to be fascinating in every aspect of their ubiqitousness.

I think that I am only using my Twitter to advertise my blog...which I can't do on FB because I don't want the rellies to know how far gone I really am.

Blogging is still far more rewarding...but you're right, FB is like cheap crack. You can get a quick fix and just coast.

23/4/09 9:23 p.m.  
Blogger tlchang said...

Lovely springy photos. (I know about spring = internet neglect. I've been blogging, but I can't seem to get around to read other's much. :-( ).

And me the twitter-street-whore are getting along famously, thank you very much.

26/4/09 8:29 p.m.  
Blogger photoholly said...

The last photo is amazing! Those blossoms are gorgeous, not to mention the green grape-looking things are so intriguing! What kind of tree is it?

28/4/09 6:18 a.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

Holly: It's just a standard-issue maple (broad leaf?) right out our bedroom window. This morning those same blossoms have graduated to what looks like long, hanging bunches of green grapes -- no more pink blossom pods.

28/4/09 7:24 a.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

Andrea, your descriptions of FB and Twitter were hilarious! and thanks for the great Canadian spring photos, but I, too, was wondering what those balls are.

30/4/09 7:05 p.m.  

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