looking down yukon street

I love my camera. All I seem to do these days is prowl the urban streets and take the results home to play with (as you can see), but it's back to work now as I have to produce 10-15 landscapes for a four-person show at the end of January. It'll be at my Victoria gallery, and the company is quite exalted (I'm the "emerging artist" among the four), so I foresee six weeks of insanity and sleepless nights what with the wrench of Christmas in the works and all. Gulp.
Prowling the streets is good for you - you get fresh(ish) air and visual stimuli plus you then have the fun of playing with them later! I like the middle version a lot - it has something about it that - I can't quite put my finger on...
Good luck with your landscapes - I've been immersed in some creative energy work... which is fun but not photographable!
very exciting andrea, kick ass and take names! That's what the guys I used to print with would say! Great photos!
ARe they taken in Victoria? It's such a small one-horse town looking kind of place. Not a disparagement, it looks lovely. Friends have just returned from Victoria island....they coucldn't stop raving!
Nomad: The photo was taken down a little-used backstreet on Vancouver's east side, looking towards downtown, hence the one-horse town look to it. The downtown streets look much different. Vancouver (and area) has a population of 2 million now. Victoria (yes, it's very picturesque) is around 350,000 now I believe.
PS Victoria is on Vancouver Island, which doesn't seem quite right, does it?
One more thing: the photo is facing only the far eastern edge of downtown, so there are virtually none of the tall buildings that stamp the place as "downtown" in the photo.
Andrea, I like the treatment you've given the photo! Looks really good!
What an amazing backdrop to have behind a city! How close do you live to the dowtown area? My favorites are the top photo (which I guess is the original) and the bottom...I like the color of the mountains with the effect you used.
Good luck with your show! I'm so happy that you've got good things going on:>>
Thanks for the feedback all. Carla, I live 30-40 minutes from downtown but clearly I have a need to get out of the leafy 'burbs on a regular basis!
Andrea, I'm so glad I found your relocated blog! I must have missed something, because all of the sudden you weren't "there." I love your street scenes and what you've done with them. I've not tried anything creative like this with my photos. You inspire me! Good luck with your landscapes.
I'm glad you found me again too, Nan! I tried to spread the word as much as possible about the change of blog URL but missed many links here and there so I'm hoping to re-connect with people eventually.
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