I know. I know. Art isn't happening in my studio and since this is supposed to be an art blog, nothing much is happening here either. So here's a short video about one of my latest obsessions (thanks, Sonya). In the interest of sustainable living and simplifying, I want a small house. OK, I want TWO small houses: one to live in and one for the art studio, and on a HUGE piece of land. And maybe one on a lake for holidays. D'oh! So much for downsizing. If you're curious, check out this blog and this one.
Back to our regularly-scheduled programming after the Olympics.
You never know what's going to set you off. I read this link from Donn on Facebook this morning after reading another "I hate the Olympics" status update from someone else and it triggered the following response from me:
You know what? I'm crumbling. The novelty has worn off and my usual pleasure in watching the ultimate "... series of races between a bunch of people with unusually low body fat" has been stripped away by having it in my own backyard and therefore in my face. I get all these veiled "you're such a moron to like the Olympics" messages on Facebook and my blog and elsewhere by people who feel the need to parade their opinions even if their only reason for doing so is to vent their spleen (not talking about you, Donn, because at least you add the element of humour and that's always top priority in my opinion) and I'm done in. Future Olympics will give me a lot more pleasure simply because I can either (a) completely ignore them (not likely) or (b) do it behind the scenes and silently point the finger at some otherhapless city for taking it on the chin if I feel the need. But why would I feel the need? I agree with a lot of the bad press because it's usually based on fact, but that doesn't mean I need to take it on like I have anything to do with either preventing it or defending it. However, if I'm out there in the trenches actually DOING something to support or reject the Olympics then Ihave every right to celebrate or lambaste them to those who feel otherwise. I believe in the right to free speech but I believe even more in either putting up or shutting up. (Or, at the very least, making people laugh.) On that note I should probably shut up now.
(Holy shit -- where did that come from? It's probably due to Canada's loss to the USA in last night's hockey game -- #%?!@$!@)
I'm over my snit now. The truth is, I don't care enough to enter those trenches either for or against, but since childhood I've felt contempt for the bullies and snitches and spoilsports who TALK rather than DO. After all, we all know what's really important, don't we? Fotoz. Lots-o-fotoz. (Second only to dotting our i's with hearts and fuzzy slippers. Oh. And Olympic pins.)
The Olympics have become my full-time job. Considering the negative aspects of its social and economic impact it's a bit of a guilty pleasure, but that doesn't stop me from totally enjoying it. The fact that it's here in Vancouver means I occasionally get to do that face-to-face. (That's good news for my kids because it means I'm away from our only TV more and they have more access to the XBox!) So excuse my negligence if I owe you something.
As for my artwork, nothing much is happening in the studio, hehe, but it's on display in two places during the month of February. I am having a solo show atSmall Ritual Coffee Society at 1237 Johnston Road in White Rock and will be there the evening of February 27th, the same night Phil Dickson and his folk and blues band will be there, so please drop by! MyPrimal Landscapes are being featured. Also, theFederation of Canadian Artists is having a special exhibition called Capturing the Canadian Spirit at the Federation Gallery at 1241 Cartwright Street, Granville Island in Vancouver. My mixed media painting Salmon Spirit is hanging in this show.
I think I'm finished. This painting is 12" x 12" x 1.5" (painted around the sides) and the bright underpainting is actually much less obtrusive in real life. Now that I'm done I'll have to think about blogging actual WORDS again. Time to start a new painting in that case! :)
Though it doesn't look like it yet, I'm in the home stretch. After I finish the house it's just large blocks of background colour. Any suggestions? Blue sky? Grey Seattle day? Stormy weather?
Things aren't moving along as fast as I'd hoped but we're getting there! Today I gessoed the back of the canvas as the clear gesso is allowing too much light to pass through the finer/lighter weave of linen. I've only painted on linen once and I'm liking it a lot.
Robin, artist and art consultant extraordinaire, sent me this photo of my work hanging at the new JW Marriott Hill Country Resort and Spa in San Antonio, Texas. Check this place out! I suddenly feel the overwhelming need for a vacation... The paintings are hanging in the restaurant in the spa.
I stalled on my house portrait commission but will return to it today. Meantime, I did this little drawing. I need to re-energize the economic part of my work (how I wish it was all about painting and playing) so I'm wondering about either resurrecting my Etsy page or gritting my teeth and trying to flogmy small art shop since small work is the bread-and-butter stuff. Here's a hypothetical for you: If you were planning to buy something from me would it more likely be a small painting or a small drawing? And should I offer the drawings unframed? Etsy or my small art blog? Input welcomed!