Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
multiple listing service

Thursday, February 21, 2008
for the birds

at Reifel Bird Sanctuary, last Sunday.
After the great size 11 black Converse hunt, we revived our mall-worn spirits with dim sum, then spent a couple of hours in the sunshine on Westham Island. One kind gentleman pointed out this amazing creature

a little off the beaten path. Was he napping or just being coy? The place was overrun with Mallards, Chickadees and Red-winged Blackbirds, including this lovely lady,

trying desperately to look as renegade as possible in her very un-blackbird-like plumage. It didn't work, though, as anyone with a field guide can spot her as the female of the species in just a few flips of the pages.
There were a lot of raptors to be seen, not surprising as Delta has the highest concentration of raptor birds in all of Canada. There were Golden Eagles, Bald Eagles, a Peregrine Falcon (hunting even) and hawks. I even thought I saw a few hedgehogs hiding in the ponds.

And ducks -- oh so many ducks: Northern Pintails,

American Widgeons,

All birds have distinct personalities. Teenage boys are no different:
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
studio update
2. When those are done I need to embark on a series of large paintings for a three-person show in August, same gallery, with two abstract painters.
3. I was again invited to contribute a painting to this year's big annual FCA fundraiser, Paintings, by Numbers, and fretted over finding time to paint something new. In the end I decided to donate an older painting, but am doing so with some reservations because, as you can see by 2007's roster, this is an event for the more traditional art lover. My fellow artists are mostly established painters of mainstream subject matter. I haven't made the final decision but the painting above is what I'm thinking I'll send. (I also might participate in a four-person show at the FCA's Federation Gallery in the autumn.)
4. We spent Sunday morning with friends Sonya and Ken, photographing Kiki, Sonya's mother's pampered Fox Terrier, so I'd have enough reference material to paint a portrait commissioned by Sonya. There's nothing like the instinct of dogs bred for a purpose. Three times a day for nine years Kiki has hunted down, shaken vigorously to break its neck, buried, then dug up (all the while barking menacingly) a defenceless green tennis ball. She's taught lessons to more than a half dozen Wimbledons' worth of tennis balls during that time I'd guess.

Thursday, February 07, 2008
predictable like robots
If they can draw then they can paint. And if they can paint, how about a little dance number? But all this art-making and performing is exhausting, even for a robot, so it must be time for recess. I admit that these are clever hunks of junk, but they'll never surpass our God-given role as masters of the universe (Kirk: "We'll make a human out of you yet!" Spock: "I hope not"). Will they?
It's so much better when people are unpredictable, though:
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
an ape could do that
Some of the images displayed below are masterpieces of abstract art, created by great artists. The rest were painted by an ape. Can you tell which is which?

How do you think you did?
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
local birds

all apologies

Friday, February 01, 2008
illustration friday: blanket