Wednesday, February 13, 2008

studio update

I've been delinquent; it's been almost a week since my last post. (That sounded freakishly like the opening words of Confession or maybe an AA meeting: "Bless me, Readers, for I have sinned. It's been six days and four hours since my last post".) As I continue to not paint the anxiety has increased, but I have been doing the groundwork for the next six months. Here's how it all looks from here:

1. I need to paint two paintings to add to four I did last year and have them shipped to a new gallery in the Rockies by the end of next month. Last fall I was approached by the business manager of Effusion Gallery (will post the website once it's up and running), which is being built from the ground up in the resort town (lakeside with skiing and hot springs nearby) of Invermere.

2. When those are done I need to embark on a series of large paintings for a three-person show in August, same gallery, with two abstract painters.

3. I was again invited to contribute a painting to this year's big annual FCA fundraiser, Paintings, by Numbers, and fretted over finding time to paint something new. In the end I decided to donate an older painting, but am doing so with some reservations because, as you can see by 2007's roster, this is an event for the more traditional art lover. My fellow artists are mostly established painters of mainstream subject matter. I haven't made the final decision but the painting above is what I'm thinking I'll send. (I also might participate in a four-person show at the FCA's Federation Gallery in the autumn.)

4. We spent Sunday morning with friends Sonya and Ken, photographing Kiki, Sonya's mother's pampered Fox Terrier, so I'd have enough reference material to paint a portrait commissioned by Sonya. There's nothing like the instinct of dogs bred for a purpose. Three times a day for nine years Kiki has hunted down, shaken vigorously to break its neck, buried, then dug up (all the while barking menacingly) a defenceless green tennis ball. She's taught lessons to more than a half dozen Wimbledons' worth of tennis balls during that time I'd guess.

5. Finally, for fun, I have been painting little wooden boxes. It's been good letting myself play for a couple of weeks but now it's back to the salt mines. Please abuse me if I post more than twice a week or visit blogs more than occasionally in the next few months. Must. Focus. Stay tuned for masterpieces.


Blogger mimi said...

Cute boxes! Are you thinking of selling them? You should. I like how you made a list with numbers. That's really organized of you. And some of us need that structure! (I'm speaking of myself here...)Maybe I should try that! Sometimes I forget the most simple routines. A list can sure remind one to focus. Otherwise, what's to do? Play? Nothing? Relax? Whatever you want at the moment? Yep.

13/2/08 3:41 p.m.  
Blogger Mim said...

I love the boxes! Just think, if you don't have fun with your art,doesn't that take a little bit of soul out of it>?

13/2/08 5:42 p.m.  
Blogger Kelly said...

I'm staying tuned for masterpieces. Those boxes are adorable! What kind of paint do you use on them?

13/2/08 6:43 p.m.  
Blogger Mary Sheehan Winn said...

what an interesting blog. I'll be stopping back to check out all the links you have here. It's bedtime for me.

13/2/08 7:30 p.m.  
Blogger dinahmow said...

Love those boxies. Or, as folk Down Under say: beaut boxes,mate!
(I would never say that! creeps away, head down...)

13/2/08 7:43 p.m.  
Blogger Janets Planet said...

Your boxes are adorable. Spring must be in the air -- just a touch. Looks like the new year will bring some good things your way.

13/2/08 8:27 p.m.  
Blogger Casdok said...

The boxes are great! It is important to have fun with your talent!

14/2/08 12:39 a.m.  
Blogger Caroline said...

Thanks for reminding me there's something I need to be doing right now...

14/2/08 1:58 a.m.  
Blogger Ilva said...

So if I see that you visit my blog I should punish you? Tell you to walk on your knees over chickpeas for an hour? OK, I'm in! I'm happy that you have so many exhibitions going, just wish I lived closer so that I could go and see them!

14/2/08 2:07 a.m.  
Blogger jafabrit said...

oh I love your boxes, they make me smile. Sounds like you have some great projects to work on and I look forward to seeing how they evolve.

Happy Valentines Day

14/2/08 5:52 a.m.  
Blogger Alda said...

The boxes are adorable. Like the others, I really think you should sell them. After all, salt mines come in many different shapes and forms.

14/2/08 6:56 a.m.  
Blogger Melody said...

Seems the general consensus is "everyone loves the boxes" too. They make me smile just looking at them. Great job!

14/2/08 8:00 a.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

Molly: Ok, you've convinced me. I have a new venue for fun stuff at

Michelle: Well put.

Kikipotamus: It's artist-quality acrylic, like I use on my paintings. I put down a primer coat of gesso first.

Mary: Thanks for visiting.

Dinah: That's because you're a Kiwi.

Jan: I can only hope!

Casdok: Thanks -- it's fun just switching gears for a bit.

Caroline: pleased to be of service. :)

Ilva: Whipping me with a wet noodle will suffice. :)

JafaBrit: And a happy Valentine's Day to you, too (I love what you did to your banner BTW).

Alda: So true. And I have taken all your advice (see my comment to Molly).

Melody: Than you -- and smiles in Feb are appreciated.

14/2/08 10:37 a.m.  
Blogger Ian Lidster said...

I look forward to the painting of Kiki.
Oh, I would so like to get back to my creative stuff. My brain is fried from this huge contract piece I've been commissioned to do. And, all my creative juices have turned to dust, and I still have massive amounts of it to complete.
Just thought I would whine in your direction because I knew you'd understand.
Otherwise, Happy Valentines Day to you my highly talented friend.

14/2/08 12:44 p.m.  
Blogger daisies said...

those boxes are super cute :)

14/2/08 1:12 p.m.  
Blogger Cynthia said...

I will NOT flog you for visiting! But, I was thinking of doing a techno fast for a bit.

I went almost 24 hours without signing on the other day - a record.

I think that you've got some deadlines and hopefully that will help you along in your creative process.

I almost think that this time of year brings out a little artistic apathy in me and maybe others - it's grayer, colder and I haven't cranked out any work since December, despite having ample opportunity.

Love the painted boxes!

14/2/08 3:21 p.m.  
Blogger Ellen said...

Yay! I can see the Federation shows, Granville Island is such fun to visit. Invermere, I can only wish.

As for the public flogging, chickpea torture, I feel like making a pact with you, I do need to get down to business and FOCUS as well. Love the boxes, and you can't go wrong with a store named,"My Dog Art."

14/2/08 7:17 p.m.  
Blogger tlchang said...

Those boxes look very fun... Fun... huh.. kind of a forgotten concept. In fact, slap me - I need to NOT be visiting blogs either! argh! away! away now!

15/2/08 12:20 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea! I've only just discovered your blog and went to visit your web-site. Wow! Your paintings are fantastic, I've never seen anything like them before. I love the Primal Landscapes and the sense of space in them, just lovely!

15/2/08 12:56 a.m.  
Blogger carla said...

Those boxes are sweet! Congrats on all your great opportunities...yes, stay focused!

15/2/08 4:05 a.m.  
Blogger Paula In Pinetop said...

Those boxes are charming. I have a whole stack of them in the studio closet.....hmmmmmm, they'd sure make nice gifts.

How lucky to have so many shows coming up. I need to figure out how to make that happen. I've been busy trying to build and sustain an online presence.........getting art sold is definatly more work that creating my humble opinion.

15/2/08 8:26 a.m.  
Blogger Romeo Morningwood said...

You're like totally having some Paintings shown at the Galleria! That is like totally Awesome, like reaaally kewl, like Omygawd! Fer sure, Fer sure!

Those nasty little Terriers were designed to KILL things and they really can't help themselves. Oh well, Barbara Woodhouse told me that there was no such thing as a bad husband, just bad owners...

I meant Dog...

Sheesh where is that coming from?
((Paging Doctor Freud!))

15/2/08 9:40 a.m.  
Blogger peyton said...

I LOVE that picture!!!! It's kinda got a cave painting thing going on, I think. And the colours hang together really well.

15/2/08 10:34 a.m.  
Blogger Heather said...

Crack that whip! Just sending over some love and energy your way.

15/2/08 11:33 a.m.  
Blogger kj said...

hello! i've been a stranger in your parts but i think of you. (i sent you a christmas card and the $$%#@@ thing got returned for insufficient postage--who knew?!)

your little boxes are very sweet. you are so dedicated. i hope you enjoy every moment...


15/2/08 5:55 p.m.  
Blogger Mrs. G. said...

Those boxes are beautiful and charming. Good luck with all your goals. Wow.

16/2/08 12:10 a.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

Ian: Wow, do I ever understand. My creativity, too, seems to have turned to dust. However my ability to find distractions is definitely overachieving.

Daisies: Thanks.

Cynthia: I don't know why I'm having such a hard time getting going as this is usually my most creative time of year. So few pressures compared to the rest of the year. (Maybe I need that.)

Ellen: A pact? Maybe mutual torture would be more effective!

Tara: Yes, run away now little girl, run away... :)

Jess: Thanks for visiting.

Carla: Now if I just screw it up... :)

Paula: I have to agree with you there. A salesperson I ain't.

Lord Tennisanyone (or should I call you Valley Boy): my point exactly. The poor tennis ball never had a chance. Now if we could just use the same methods on the Willie Picktons of the world.

Peter: Cave painting? Those are the magic words!

Heatehr: Thanks -- and keep cracking.

KJ: The post office used to kindly send them anyway. *&*!@ And now I wish I could be as dedicated as I make myself sound! :)

Mrs G: Thanks and goals -- wish I could just pop them in the net like in soccer. *sigh*

16/2/08 7:20 a.m.  
Blogger albina said...

Oh, if you put it like that – I have my own confession: “forgive me Andrea, for I have not left any comments for a long-long time, even though I stop by your blog on regular basis”…

Sounds like you are going to be busy painting and you have a plan. That is a nice round of shows to prepare for! Spring will be here in no time, and I am sure you will find your inspiration – it is lurking somewhere there, just under the surface… winter makes it harder to unearth it, that’s all!

Good luck with all the projects and I will make a note of permitted abuse and try my hardest to deliver, he-he.

Paint on! Can’t wait to see new stuff!!!

16/2/08 8:54 a.m.  
Blogger merlinprincesse said...

I KNOW you will make some beautiful paintings, Andrea! GO ON GIRL!!!`:) Cute boxes... Stuff for Etsy? :) Hheheheh! You're giving moi some ideas... Nope I will NOT copy you... :)

16/2/08 9:24 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet you could sell those boxes. I like the painting, too. As for the confession, I think three Hail Mary's ought to cover it.

17/2/08 7:26 p.m.  
Blogger Jana Bouc said...

I love the new painting and the cute dogs on the boxes and also the hilarious story about the dangerous ball killer. I've missed having time to visit and decided to take advantage of being too sleep deprived to do anything creative to stop by. Also I was a little intimidated by your post on the etsy group about hating me for my studio (thanks for the link there...I think). If it makes you feel better, I hate you for your incredible talent and skill as an artist and your beautiful hair. Now we're even! (Though I really don't hate you at all, of course, and know you were only teasing too.)

18/2/08 2:00 p.m.  
Blogger Amy Maisel said...

Hi there, caught site of your blog today and am really inspired. What beautiful colors and fun boxes!!!

amy-a.k.a. bagladyart

20/2/08 3:47 p.m.  
Blogger Tizzalicious said...

I love those boxes, very cute :)

And your blog is great!

5/3/08 1:58 a.m.  

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