Tuesday, April 22, 2008

earth art

All day long I've wanted to post about Earth Day, but first I needed to paint something for it, and that didn't happen until after dinner! As a result, Earth Day is over almost everywhere. Here at GMT-8 we still have a couple hours left. Just made it.

I've always been convinced that pussywillows are at least 25% animal. This is tiny (there's only so much time left in the day after dinner after all), only 6" x 6", and painting the pussywillows themselves were a doddle, but blending the background on these hard little panels is a pain in the arse because the (acrylic) paint dries so fast on wood. This gradation blending right on the support is something I did back in the day when I painted in oils -- and it worked -- and I've never been able to give it up. D'you think there's a 12-step program for that?

But, about Earth Day and blogging. Here's a blog that is an inspiration, and then there's Angela, urban apartment dweller, making a concerted effort to eat locally-produced food as much as possible.

Finally, who produces finer art than the earth herself? Check out her handiwork here and here.


Blogger Ellen said...

Boy you're a fast painter. I was just thinking how much I like the green background, it does look like oils.
Those satellite photos of earth look so much like human tissue, it makes be think seriously about the Gaia theory (earth as a single living organism).

22/4/08 9:42 p.m.  
Blogger dinahmow said...

Well, I didn't post for Earth Day, but I did get off that car post!

22/4/08 10:11 p.m.  
Blogger Caroline said...

What wonderful furries!

Jim installed a water butt yesterday - does that count?

23/4/08 4:49 a.m.  
Blogger Susan Schwake said...

i love pussywillows too andrea and these are really lovely!
here's a little hint for the acrylic - golden makes wonderful stuff called retarder, which helps handle that fast fast dry time. it's extention time is just enough it seems...
oh maybe you already know about that?
anyway, happy earth day!

23/4/08 5:28 a.m.  
Blogger Romeo Morningwood said...

Nice Pussy Willows...part animal eh?
See. You are (subliminally) painting 'Fluffy Kittens'!
Weird eh?

Flowering plants evolved to attract Insects and it's all about sex, sex, sex...
funny how we Humans picked up on that.

23/4/08 7:39 a.m.  
Blogger Angela Wales Rockett said...

What a sweet little painting! I love pussywillows. When I was at the museum the other day I stopped into the gift shop and in their jewelry case they were selling earrings made with pussywillows! I couldn't help thinking how comforting it would be to wear those - like having a tiny kitten on your shoulder.

23/4/08 8:09 a.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

GWS: Fastest brush in the west! Fast drying paint will do that...

Dinah: Car/Earth Day. Too bad it's not a hybrid but is an amazing example of reduce/reuse/recycle.

Caroline: Water butt? That doesn't sound healthy. Now I have to google it...

Susan: Retarder is one of those products I've always thought I'd try but never have. What is this inertia stuff anyway?

Donn: Ha! You're very observant and yes, I think you're right about it being all about sex. I'm beginning to think all artforms are...

Angela: I love that -- thanks for the image.

23/4/08 8:31 a.m.  
Blogger Ian Lidster said...

When I was a little boy I firmly believed that kittens came from pussy willows.
Lovely picture.

23/4/08 2:33 p.m.  
Blogger dinahmow said...

I'm back again to say those pictures from space are stunning! Thanks for a pretty earth day.

23/4/08 2:51 p.m.  
Blogger Melody said...

those pussywillows are so lovely and delicate. Thanks for posting the satelite photos too......they are awesome

24/4/08 4:55 a.m.  
Blogger carla said...

I feel as if I could just touch them and feel how soft they are! You did an exquisite job on the background... it's rich and gentle at the same time, and it has such a gorgeous glow.

24/4/08 7:00 a.m.  
Blogger Heather Plett said...

I LOVE the pussy willow painting!

24/4/08 1:56 p.m.  
Blogger WithinWithout said...

I don't get this, but why wouldn't they have called them pussy pillows instead of pussy willows?

Anyhow, while I try to figure that out, so how long did you spend painting this beautiful creation after supper?

I love that deep green...

24/4/08 3:25 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

I've always loved pussy willows. Exquisite little painting.

And here I am late at getting over here. So hope this comment finds you soaking up the Spring air and getting refreshed.

25/4/08 4:28 a.m.  
Blogger Cynthia said...

Pussy willows are awesome - I used to buy a bunch at the florist to display and whenever I walked by I would casually touch the furry blossom.

Earth does make the best art and you've reminded me to check on Andrea's blog.

25/4/08 7:38 a.m.  
Blogger San said...

Andrea, fly over to my place and collect your award.

I agree: pussy willows are part animal.

25/4/08 11:58 a.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

Ian: You mean they're not?

Dinah & Melody: There are some real stunners there, aren't there? -- inspiration for paintings.

Carla: And they glow even more with a couple coats of varnish. :) Thanks.

Heather: Thanks.

WW: Not sure exactly -- about 2 hours.

Toni: Argh -- spring is SLOW here this year. But thanks.

Cynthia: A bunch grow near my son's old school and every spring I'd walk the dog down there to collect some, but he moved schools and the dog died so I forgot this year! :(

San: On my way...

25/4/08 2:56 p.m.  
Blogger Alda said...

I miss pussywillows. They don't exist up here. And the painting is gorgeous, as always.

29/4/08 9:08 a.m.  
Blogger mimi said...

Well I meant to let you know how I loved the pussy willows, but I see I didn't. First I love the plant (being a plant lover anyway, who couldn't). Second, I enjoy your venture into the simplicity of the composition. The colors are perfect.

Also after a personal adventure into the world of trade paperback comics, and being creeped out by all the bugs in Simon Oliver's and Tony Moore's 'The Exterminators,' I realize I have always been fascinated by scarabs. Nice choice, plenty of history and meaning.

6/5/08 8:24 a.m.  

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