the art of reality tv
It had to happen. Visual art being, ermmm, visual ... the creators of new ideas for reality TV were bound to slot it into primetime somehow. After all, a reality TV show pitting novelists against each other might lack a certain, shall we say, visual appeal. I'd like to see them try, though. (And I agree with Rudy; this just seems wrong somehow.)
Last year Bravo Canada had a unique idea called Star Portraits that married a distinct visual artform with TV-friendly celebrity. The artists were portrait artists and the subject matter famous Canadians. The famous person chose the portrait they liked best and the remaining two were slated for the now defunct Portrait Gallery of Canada. I was hooked. But American Bravo's "... hour-long creative competition series ... that brings together 14 aspiring artists to compete for a solo show at a nationally recognized museum and a generous cash prize" sounds too much like Survivor to me. I'm not denying that there might be entertainment value there, though! Read all about it here.

i feel like i've heard about this for 2 years now and never knew it was 'on'.
could be interesting....but we dont have a tv so i will never know.
HEY i like your cafe press bird over there on the sidebar :)
Rolf Harris "unleashed his kangaroo" a few years ago for the BBC and has presented several series of "Star Portraits." And he famously painted the Queen in much the same vein.
You can probably find some on Youtube.
I have watched a few of the Star Portraits and really like it. It is interesting seeing how each artist approaches the same subject often so differently. But what I think I enjoy the most on the few shows I have seen is the "star's" reaction. I think it goes a long way to show how emotional and valued a quality portrait can be.
Being a commission portrait artist, I have to say, "thanks Bravo :)"
I knew nothing about this Star Portraits, would have loved to have seen it. I have to admit I'm curious about the SJ Parker produced artist reality show. I know there won't be the cat fights like America's next top model (not that I watch that or anything:) but pretentiousness and artists stressed out and taking themselves far too seriously, I wanna see that.
i knew they would have an art show eventually and noticed that one is on the bravo lineup here, looks silly, there is nothing more fun than watching paint dry ;)
Paula: Made ya click, didn't I? :) (Yay! It worked!)
Di: Haven't heard the name Rolf Harris in aeons.
Tracey: Maybe they'll put you on a plane and you, too, can "play". Wouldn't that be cool?
Ellen: Star Portraits is only half an hour so it's not long enough for you to get distracted (since there's no angst, infighting and other shady political maneuverings to keep you there) and walk away. Apparently there will be another season in 2010.
Val: I've been waiting for reality art TV for a couple of years, too, just because it had to happen at some point.
Ha - I'm an adventure racer and the Survivor series wasn't up my alley at all!! Having said that - you should Google or Youtube Rolf Harris, a talented Aussie man who now lives in London. Of the little TV I got when little in NZ, his shows remain stuck in my memory. With acrylic paint and a house paint brush, he would paint portraits, or people instantaneously while singing! JUST AMAZING. But back then, it was just cos he loved it (and got paid for it - yes)
Interesting post!
oops - only went back and read the other comments now! So you already know about Rolf and his Wobble board ;-)
Never heard of the Star Portraits show but I did love Bravo's "The Artist's Life". I don't know whether they cancelled it or if it's on hiatus but I really enjoyed it
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