the northern flicker shop

Call me crazy but I have just been goofing around at Cafe Press, setting up a shop entitely devoted to my noisy but charming little friend, the Northern Flicker. (We get the red-shafted variety here.) It's really just a fun project, but bird nerds, if you have the chance please spread the word! And for my next act I will open a restaurant that only serves carrot sticks.
I like Northern Flickers. Is this one drawn,then photoshop'd? Nice graphic style. Do a corvid one, I wouldn't mind getting a tote bag.
This is a pen and ink drawing coloured digitally. Hmmm.... should I open a crow shop next????
hahaha, you are funny :)
Crazy Andrea!
Well you did ask to be called it... what is the call of the Northern Flicker like?
I don't see flickers (except here). probably don't *look* for them. Where do they hang?
Flickers spend a lot of time hanging from my suet feeder! :) They sound like this:
lol you are a nutter ;) cool bird!
I love flickers! We have a couple that have decided that our suet feeder is very yummy and it's quite amusing to watch as the larger than the feeder birds grapple with it.
cool. I'll keep an eye on the suet feeder then!
omg! checked out the link - I DO know that call, so they're here somewhere! will sneak around and see if I can spot one.
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