brilliance beyond

11" x 14" (image: 7.5" x 10")
So much work to do and so little time away from my laptop. Solution? Chase Ellen and Donn and, like a lemming, drop off the edge into the abyss that is life without Facebook. But only for a week. I'm not crazy after all!
PS Check out the Owl Box.
ha! now didn't i just see this image on facebook artist map :)
so good to see work and nothing but work! i might take a break from it all too and see what happens in reality.
Ha! I saw that image, too -- very similar.
Oh wow, I love it!!!! Great negative spaces.
Love this. Love, love birch trees. I want this. I take it it's heading to Invermere?
How ya doing sans that addictive beast? DT'ing yet? Having 2 of my favourite people gone from there makes it easier to stay away. Hope we're all very productive.
And I think yes to Saturday, looks interesting, we'll talk more later. See what happens? off facebook and now I'm making social arrangements on your blog comments. I'm so lost!:)
love this so so so so so so much :D
Cool, cool, cool!
Beautiful - I adore trees!
I missed you and Donn on FB and came looking for you!:))
Love this painting, it is so fresh and filled with peace.
Oh, I just LOVE the treatment of sunlight in this. Fantastic job.
Thanks for all the positive feedback blog homies. I feel inspired to do another now and since I'm over the initial facebook withdrawal you think I'd make the time for it! You never know...
Love it, the grass looks so rich with the black underneath, great negative spaces to. Do you use paint on the paper along with other materials?
Tracy: It's mostly coloured pencil with a little bit of technical pen and Sharpie. The silvery background was made with a Pilot pen like this:
Gorgeous image. Beautifully wrought. Evocative of earthy scents and sun breaking through momentarily between storms.
Gorgeous! I am so fascinated by birch trees and this is just lovely. Thanks for sharing.
I love the contrast of the dark grass and the white birch trees. Beautiful!
just amazing
Thank you all for the great feedback!
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