Thursday, May 01, 2008


Here's one of the places I get my inspiration these days (the houses, not the tulips ~ I just threw those in for decoration).

white picket fence skinny house

Here's another source of inspiration. The calluses are building!


Blogger daisies said...

that is some pretty beautiful inspiration :)

1/5/08 9:28 p.m.  
Blogger ninjapoodles said...

Oooh--guitar-playing video!! We need video!

1/5/08 9:33 p.m.  
Blogger Melody said...

What beautiful this your neighbourhood? And yes I agree with about a YouTube Video of your playing the guitar.

2/5/08 4:28 a.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

Daisies: Wish I could be inspired every day by living in one of these!

Belinda: Ooo that's an embarrassing thought. I was just complaining to Carl yesterday that my teacher has us doing all these boring exercises and theory BUT NO TUNES YET. I WANT TUNES. But I decided that I waited THIS long so I'll do his bidding for the next 8 weeks and THEN .... tunes. Then I can take on the world by YouTube! :)

Melody: This is the west side Vancouver neighbourhood where I take Pilates. $1 million isn't in my price range yet but after I become a YouTube star then maybe... :)

2/5/08 6:39 a.m.  
Blogger Cynthia said...

I remember having Vancouver layovers and I so enjoyed the ride from the airport to downtown where we stayed. We passed through some terrific neighborhoods with homes just like your photographs.

2/5/08 6:42 a.m.  
Blogger Janets Planet said...

What a lovely house. I can see why it would inspire you.

2/5/08 7:08 a.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

Cynthia: These houses are close to Granville Street, the route from airport to city, so you''re very observant.

Jan: I'd love to be inspired from the inside, too!

2/5/08 9:44 a.m.  
Blogger Ellen said...

I don't know why this only NOW occured to me, but I know someone who lives in a house kinda like that on the west side! hmmm, I think what they really need is an Andrea Pratt house portrait. I think I should go to work on them...

2/5/08 10:56 a.m.  
Blogger peyton said...

I have a theory that people are building houses to look like your paintings. No? Ah well.

2/5/08 12:19 p.m.  
Blogger Alda said...

OK, now I totally see where your inspiration for painting those lovely houses comes from. And that guitar is beautiful!

3/5/08 5:18 p.m.  
Blogger tlchang said...

What a terrific house. Love that style. (Most of our neighborhoods here are NOT so cute... Rare, actually).

Ah, to have the leisure time to indulge in musical pursuits! someday. Garden is first though!

4/5/08 8:53 p.m.  
Blogger mimi said...

Yes it's sad to think what happened to our sensitivity to and investment in quality of building and craft. I wonder what it was like when your home surrounded you with this beauty and creativity. Wish we could all live in one of these, and that value was still placed on individuality and craftsmanship.
Love the closeup of the beautiful guitar neck!

6/5/08 8:05 a.m.  
Blogger Ian Lidster said...

When I was a little boy in Kitsilano we lived in a house very much like the one you pictured here. It was not quite so cutsified in those hard times, however.

6/5/08 1:06 p.m.  
Blogger San said...

Charming houses. So unlike what we see here in the Southwest. Thanks for the peek.

And keep those calluses building. That's one situation where thick skin comes in handy.


6/5/08 1:45 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love these houses! So much character and details.

7/5/08 6:36 a.m.  
Blogger dinahmow said...

Well, they sure knock spots off the modern fad for concrete hideosities!

And hold off the youtube til I get my sound card sorted, y'hear?

7/5/08 4:33 p.m.  
Blogger Kelly said...

What a great house! Are you painting it now? Just about my first criterion for judging house loveliness is: house must be taller than it is wide. I see you agree. :)

11/5/08 10:07 a.m.  

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