Thursday, September 17, 2009

roots in hill country

It's been one of those weeks ~ stressful yet productive. I hung the show at the Frogstone Grill on Monday, spent all day Tuesday at an excellent ADHD workshop at Children's Hospital, then finished this large painting yesterday. I am having to stop myself from further tweaking -- so tempting to just keep working on it! -- but as I am under a deadline I need to be as smart as possible with my time right now. Never my strong suit!

I need to switch out a painting at the Frogstone Grill tomorrow and will get some photos then. I don't have time to even think about arranging anything like an opening (plus the fact that it's another on my laundry list of lousy skills) but if you're in that part of town for the next six weeks or so please drop in to the piano bar for some good music and fine art! My work will remain hanging until October 26th.


Blogger dinahmow said...

OK- mine's a very chilled dry white and I'm rather partial to jazzy rags!

17/9/09 2:15 p.m.  
Blogger Ellen said...

Love all the texture in this one.

17/9/09 3:00 p.m.  
Blogger Carol said...

Just directed to you by dinahmow - and very pleased to have found you. I really like your style of painting, gives me an instant good feeling. I'll be back.

18/9/09 12:50 a.m.  
Blogger Sharon said...

I have painted all my life or done some type of art. I now have grandchildren and have owned a gallery over the years. My work ranges from painting, photography with old fashioned way of double triple exposures, sculpture, jewelry making and now mixed media. I have to do art - there is something planted inside me that will not let me leave it alone.
Years ago I took a workshop from a very well known artist in USA and he had a word for over tweaking KISS. This has helped me so many times because I would end up just messing up a really good painting by overworking it. It stands for (or did to him) "Keep It Simple Stupid". You may already know this, but that has changed my overworking and I have thankfully not just ruined a really good painting since. It just took that one KISS he said to me about a painting - it clicked. I have been so thankful to him. Maybe it was just a good time for me to hear it - but I think we all tend to over tweak our work - actually sometime it does need it, but most of the time it does not.
This painting is lovely and I would not change a thing. Keep it up - I enjoy your work and believe we all need each other - all artists.

Sharon Stoffregen

18/9/09 2:45 a.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

Di: Done.

Ellen: It took way longer than expected.

Carol: Thanks for visiting and the kind words.

Sharon: I love it when we get messages at just the right moment. It's worth all those missed messages, isn't it? I have had some issues with overworking in the past but am starting to get a grip on it -- starting now. :)

18/9/09 9:04 a.m.  
Blogger peyton said...

Gorgeous painting. Perfectly balanced too.

18/9/09 11:12 a.m.  
Blogger San said...

Those are some dazzling roots, Andrea. That moon against the vivid blue--just beautiful. And I love the theme, how it suggests we're connected, deep down, where it counts.

Congratulations on your Frogstone Grill show. An exhibit in a piano lounge--you wrote the book on cool. I mean, you painted the pictures.

18/9/09 11:21 a.m.  
Blogger Laure Ferlita said...

I too love the texture, and what appears to be repeating pattern in the backgrounds and tree!

As to overtweaking, easy to do, hard habit to break! Sometimes, I can walk away . . . . other times I don't. Haven't found the off switch yet! ;•)

18/9/09 2:08 p.m.  
Blogger Angela Wales Rockett said...

Lovely, lovely painting!

18/9/09 4:29 p.m.  
Blogger andrea said...

Peter and Angela: Thanks so much.

San: I may have to quote you on that. (Especially to my teenagers! :)

Laure: I love pattern if not overdone. I think I came close here but managed to stop just in time!

18/9/09 5:17 p.m.  
Blogger valerie walsh said...

very very beautiful! I hope your hanging went smoothly and I'm sure it looks so beautiful! ps the video was shot Nov. 7th 2007 Rat died July 5th 2008 :(

18/9/09 8:17 p.m.  
Blogger Vic said...


18/9/09 8:21 p.m.  

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