This weekend we get to see the start of the high school graduation shenanigans of this handsome young lad, but last weekend we escaped to the Okanagan for three days. I've only ever been there in hot, dry August (many, many Augusts actually) so seeing it in spring was a treat of the verdant, green variety. We were there to visit my cousin on her Paint horse breeding farm, so Greg could run the Peach City Half Marathon, and to visit the family of Carlos. But we managed to squeeze in visits to several wineries as well...
I adore quail, with their busy strut. But what is the fellow in flight? I don't recognize...
Here I hear much more than I see. Turkeys are a standard auditory pleasure most evenings - but I never see them here. On other people's properties, but not here. Yet I hear them...
Quails are not too bright -- and they look it! The bird in flight is a magpie. LOVE me the magpie I do. And Mischa, the dog at the bottom, jumped into our car as we were aout to leave and wouldn't budge. She loved Coco and wanted to have more fun I guess!
Sonya: Ha! Yes, excpet he's the stud horse. Not a very manly name, is it? :)
Tom: Yes, almost all her Paint horses are overos. The one at the top has a particularly flashy pattern, but she's also an amazingly athletic-looking animal, isn't she?
How can you not at least smile, if not guffaw, at a quail.They look as if they've had a bad hair cut!
your son IS very handsome!
I adore quail, with their busy strut. But what is the fellow in flight? I don't recognize...
Here I hear much more than I see. Turkeys are a standard auditory pleasure most evenings - but I never see them here. On other people's properties, but not here. Yet I hear them...
Quails are not too bright -- and they look it! The bird in flight is a magpie. LOVE me the magpie I do. And Mischa, the dog at the bottom, jumped into our car as we were aout to leave and wouldn't budge. She loved Coco and wanted to have more fun I guess!
The paint horse running with Coco should be named Magpie don't ya think?
So are those paints what they call overos? They are pretty stunning!
Sonya: Ha! Yes, excpet he's the stud horse. Not a very manly name, is it? :)
Tom: Yes, almost all her Paint horses are overos. The one at the top has a particularly flashy pattern, but she's also an amazingly athletic-looking animal, isn't she?
The horses are amazing. What beautiful photographs.
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