jesse update

Those of you who know me or who have read this blog for awhile will remember Jesse, the funny, enthusiastic service-dog trainee we puppy-raised for Pacific Assistance Dogs. As dogs with character go, he has more than a heaping helping, but along with clowns come sad faces ... or so they say.
Just before Christmas we discovered that Jesse had flunked out of the service dog training program, which he'd been accepted into on a probationary basis. Smart as a whip, supremely self-confident and physically far more capable than your average Lab, he nonetheless has obedience issues (the kind where you have to chill out and hold a command) and getting-along-with-other-male-dogs issues. Not such a good temperament for placidly and consistently serving disabled people.
But wait! No sad faces here! I always suspected that with his energy, drive and super sniffer he might make a good narcotics detection dog, so I wasn't surprised to hear he'd gone to a training facility in Washington state after he was excused from the program. We were really looking forward to having him home for Christmas, but that was not to be. And then today I recieved this note:
Jesse travelled to Florida last week and is training with a company down there as a new type of detection dog for Florida prisons - a cell phone detection dog! Apparently the biggest contraband problem they're having in the prisons now is people smuggling in cell phones which prisoners use to keep in touch with their gangs on the outside and also to coordinate illicit activities on the inside, such as keeping tabs on where in the prison guards are positioned. The dogs search cells and inmates looking for these phones.There are currently only 2 trained dogs in Florida but the department of corrections is looking for more.
Remember: you heard it here first. I'm so proud of my tough guy! Fingers crossed.
Go, Jessie, Go!!!
More fingers crossed here!
Do you know where he is in Florida?
wow...thats mighty cool andrea. really!
I just emailed you a link for Coco - maybe I should have sent it to Jesse!
Well that is very cool. Go, Jesse!
oh this is so good and wonderful! what a sweet punim this dog has too :D Yay Jesse!
Hmmm... I wonder what a cell phone smells like?
Great that they are thinking of putting his talents to work like that. You must be so proud!
Wow, see life throws you a curve ball and something better comes along, even in doggie land ;)
Yay for Jesse!
Jesse has a calling!
Next thing you know, he'll be learning to text...
My fingers are indeed crossed. I raise puppies for Canine Companions for Independence here in Sonoma County, California so I understand exactly what you've been doing and hoping. - Barbara
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